Truth Restoration

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5 Bible verses found for "Leviathan "
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1Job 3:8. Let those curse it who curse the day, who are ready to stir up Liwiathan.
2Job 41:1. 'Would you draw out Liwiathan with a hook, or snare his tongue with a line which you lower?
3Psalms 74:14. You broke the heads of Liwiathan in pieces, You made him food for the people Living in the wilderness.
4Psalms 104:26. There do ships go; That Liwiathan which You made, to play there.
5Isaiah 27:1. In that day YHWH with His severe sword, great and strong, punishes Liwiathan the fleeing serpent, Liwiathan that twisted serpent. And He shall slay the monster that is in the sea. (See also: Leviathan)