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Judges 8
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Zebah and Zalmunna...
And the men of Ephrayim said to him, `What is this you have done to us by not calling us when you went to fight with Midyan?` And they contended with him sharply,
and he said to them, 'What have I done as compared with you? Are the gleanings of Ephrayim not better than the grape harvest of Abi'ezer?
'Elohim has given into your hands the princes of Midyan, Oreb and Ze'eb. And what was I able to do as compared with you?' And when he had said that their rage toward him subsided.
And Gid'on and the three hundred men who were with him came to the Yarden, passing over, weary yet pursuing.
And he said to the men of Sukkoth, 'Please give loaves of bread to the people who follow me, for they are weary, and I am pursuing Zebah and Tsalmunna, sovereigns of Midyan.'
But the leaders of Sukkoth said, 'Are the hands of Zebah and Tsalmunna now in your hand, that we should give bread to your army?'
And Gid'on said, 'Because of this, when YHWH has given Zebah and Tsalmunna into my hand, I shall tear your flesh with the thorns of the wilderness and with briers!'
And he went up from there to Penu'el and spoke to them in the same way. And the men of Penu'el answered him as the men of Sukkoth had answered him.
So he spoke also to the men of Penu'el, saying, 'When I come back in peace I shall break down this tower!'
And Zebah and Tsalmunna were at Qarqor, and their armies with them, about fifteen thousand men, all who were left of all the army of the people of the East. Now those who had already fallen were one hundred and twenty thousand men who drew the sword.
And Gid'on went up by the way of those who dwell in tents on the east of Nobah and Yogbehah. And he smote the camp while the camp was at ease.
And Zebah and Tsalmunna fled, and he pursued them, and captured the two sovereigns of Midyan, Zebah and Tsalmunna, and shuddered the entire army.
And Gid'on son of Yo'ash returned from battle, from the Ascent of Heres,
and captured a youth of the men of Sukkoth and questioned him. So the youth wrote down for him the leaders of Sukkoth and its elders, seventy-seven men.
And he came to the men of Sukkoth and said, 'See: Zebah and Tsalmunna, about whom you taunted me, saying, 'Are the hands of Zebah and Tsalmunna now in your hand, that we should give bread to your men who are weary?''
And he took the elders of the city, and thorns of the wilderness and briers, and with them he taught the men of Sukkoth a lesson.
And he broke down the tower of Penu'el and slew the men of the city.
And he said to Zebah and Tsalmunna, 'How were the men whom you killed at Tabor?' So they answered, 'They were like you, each one looked like the son of a sovereign .'
And he said, 'They were my brothers, the sons of my mother. As YHWH lives, if you had let them live, I would not slay you.'
And he said to Yether his first-born, 'Rise, slay them!' But the youth would not draw his sword, for he was afraid, because he was still a youth.
Then Zebah and Tsalmunna said, 'Rise yourself, and fall on us. For as a man is, so is his might.' So Gid'on arose and slew Zebah and Tsalmunna, and took the crescent ornaments which were on their camels' necks.
Gideon`s Ephod...
So the men of Yisra`el said to Gid`on, `Rule over us, both you and your son, also your son`s son, for you have saved us from the hand of Midyan.`
But Gid'on said to them, 'I do not rule over you, nor does my son rule over you. YHWH does rule over you.'
And Gid'on said to them, 'I have a request to make of you, that each of you give me the ring from his spoil.' For they had rings of gold, because they were Yishma'elites.
And they said, 'We shall certainly give them.' And they spread out a garment, and each man threw into it the ring from his spoil.
And the weight of the gold rings that he requested was one thousand seven hundred pieces of gold - besides the crescent ornaments, and the pendants, and purple robes which were on the sovereigns of Midyan, and besides the chains that were around their camels' necks.
And Gid'on made it into a shoulder garment and set it up in his city, Ophrah. And all Yisra'el went whoring after it there. And it became a snare to Gid'on and to his house.
Gideon`s Death...
Thus Midyan was humbled before the children of Yisra`el, and they lifted their heads no more. And the land had rest for forty years in the days of Gid`on.
And Yerubba'al son of Yo'ash went and dwelt in his own house.
And Gid'on had seventy sons who were his own offspring, for he had many wives.
And his concubine who was in Shekem also bore him a son, and he gave him the name Abimelek.
And Gid'on son of Yo'ash died at a good old age, and was buried in the tomb of Yo'ash his father, in Ophrah of the Abi'ezerites.
And it came to be, when Gid'on was dead, that the children of Yisra'el again went whoring after the Ba'als, and made Ba'al-Berith their mighty one.
Thus the children of Yisra'el did not remember YHWH their Elohim, who had delivered them from the hands of all their enemies round about,
nor did they show kindness to the house of Yerubba'al, Gid'on, according to all the good which he did for Yisra'el.
Judges 8
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