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Ish-Bosheth Murdered...
1.  And the son of Sha`ul heard that Abner had died in Hebron, and he lost heart, and all Yisra`el was troubled.
2.  And the son of Sha'ul had two men, commanders of bands, and the name of one was Ba'anah and the name of the other Rekab, sons of Rimmon the Be'erothite, of the children of Binyamin. For Be'eroth was also reckoned to Binyamin,
3.  because the Be'erothites fled to Gittayim and have been sojourners there until this day.
4.  Now Yehonathan, son of Sha'ul, had a son who was lame in his feet. He was five years old when the news about Sha'ul and Yehonathan came from Yizre'el, and his nurse took him up and fled. And it came to be, as she hurried to flee, that he fell and became lame. And his name was Mephibosheth.
5.  So the sons of Rimmon the Be'erothite, Rekab and Ba'anah, went and came at about the heat of the day to the house of Ishbosheth, who was lying on his bed at noon.
6.  And they came into the midst of the house, to fetch wheat, and they struck him in the stomach, and Rekab and Ba'anah his brother escaped.
7.  Thus they came into the house when he was lying on his bed in his bedroom, and they smote him, and slew him, and beheaded him. And they took his head, and went the way of the desert plain all night,
8.  and brought the head of Ishbosheth to Dawid at Hebron, and said to the sovereign, 'See, the head of Ishbosheth, the son of Sha'ul your enemy, who sought your life. So YHWH has given my master the sovereign vengeance on Sha'ul and his seed this day.'
9.  And Dawid answered Rekab and Ba'anah his brother, sons of Rimmon the Be'erothite, and said to them, 'As YHWH lives, who has redeemed my life out of all distress,
10.  when someone reported to me, saying, 'See, Sha'ul is dead,' and he was a bearer of good news in his own eyes, I then took hold of him and slew him in Tsiqlag, which was the reward I gave him for his news.
11.  'How much more, when wrong men have slain a righteous man in his own house on his bed, should I not now require his blood at your hand and remove you from the earth?'
12.  And Dawid commanded his young men, and they slew them, and cut off their hands and feet, and hanged them by the pool in Hebron. And they took the head of Ishbosheth and buried it in the tomb of Abner in Hebron.
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