Truth Restoration
Instructions |
How To Search...
To search any Bible PASSAGE, you can enter:
•Book and Chapter: Psalms 119 (or psa 119)
•Book, Chapter, and a single verse: Hebrews 11:6 (or heb 11:6)
•Book, Chapter, and a range of verses: John 14:6-7 (or joh 14:6-7)
To search by KEYWORD, you can enter:
•A single word: grace (all verses that have even the partial word "grace" anywhere in them will be displayed, including "grace", "gracefully", "disgraceful", etc.)
•Multiple words: heart soul strength (any verses that have ALL three words (even partial matches, including "hearts", "souls", and "strengthened", etc.) in them anywhere, in any order, will be displayed)
•An "=" sign, then a single word or multiple words: =grace faith (any verses that have the exact word "grace" and the exact word "faith" in them -- not "graceful", "gracefully", "disgraceful", "faithful", etc. -- and in any order, will be displayed.)
All available Bible translations will automatically be searched, as will all "notes" and "keywords" that have been entered by you or the Truth Restoration Team!
To search for an EXACT PHRASE, you can enter:
•An exact phrase in "quotes": "heart and soul" (only verses that have this EXACT PHRASE in them, with the words in the same order, will be displayed)
All available Bible translations will automatically be searched, as will all "notes" and "keywords" that have been entered by you or the Truth Restoration Team!
To search by TOPIC:
•Choose TOPICS from the menu to see a list of available topics, and click one to see a list of related verses.
Topics you have created, and topics from the Truth Restoration Team, will both be displayed in this list.
Other tips:
•Search results are displayed in the "Scriptures" version (ISR) by default, but you can view other available translations as well by checking any of the checkboxes at the top of your search results (ISR, HRB, NKJV, KJV, NIV).
•Click on a "verse" number to launch "" (in a new tab/window) to see the underlying Hebrew or Greek words in that verse, Strong's definitions of the words, etc.
•If a verse has any notes from the TR Team, you can click the
icon at the far right to view them.
•Book, Chapter, and a single verse: Hebrews 11:6 (or heb 11:6)
•Book, Chapter, and a range of verses: John 14:6-7 (or joh 14:6-7)
•Multiple words: heart soul strength (any verses that have ALL three words (even partial matches, including "hearts", "souls", and "strengthened", etc.) in them anywhere, in any order, will be displayed)
•An "=" sign, then a single word or multiple words: =grace faith (any verses that have the exact word "grace" and the exact word "faith" in them -- not "graceful", "gracefully", "disgraceful", "faithful", etc. -- and in any order, will be displayed.)
All available Bible translations will automatically be searched, as will all "notes" and "keywords" that have been entered by you or the Truth Restoration Team!
All available Bible translations will automatically be searched, as will all "notes" and "keywords" that have been entered by you or the Truth Restoration Team!
Topics you have created, and topics from the Truth Restoration Team, will both be displayed in this list.
•Click on a "verse" number to launch "" (in a new tab/window) to see the underlying Hebrew or Greek words in that verse, Strong's definitions of the words, etc.
•If a verse has any notes from the TR Team, you can click the

How To Use Helpful Study Tools...
Once you have registered for a free User Account, you can:
•LOGIN by clicking the link at the bottom of any page
•SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES, then ADD or EDIT your own searchable NOTES, KEYWORDS (other related search terms), CROSS REFERENCES (links to other related verses), and TOPICS (ways to categorize a whole list of related verses). Click on the
icon to highlight any verse, or the
icon to edit any verse or topic.
•UPDATE YOUR ACCOUNT by clicking the link at the bottom of any page
•See a complete LIST OF YOUR NOTES by clicking the link at the bottom of any page. This will display all verses that have any of your notes attached.
•See a complete LIST OF YOUR HIGHLIGHTS by clicking the link at the bottom of any page. This will display all verses that you have highlighted.
•LOGOUT by clicking the link at the bottom of any page
•SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES, then ADD or EDIT your own searchable NOTES, KEYWORDS (other related search terms), CROSS REFERENCES (links to other related verses), and TOPICS (ways to categorize a whole list of related verses). Click on the

•UPDATE YOUR ACCOUNT by clicking the link at the bottom of any page
•See a complete LIST OF YOUR NOTES by clicking the link at the bottom of any page. This will display all verses that have any of your notes attached.
•See a complete LIST OF YOUR HIGHLIGHTS by clicking the link at the bottom of any page. This will display all verses that you have highlighted.
•LOGOUT by clicking the link at the bottom of any page
Quick Chapter Links...
Copyright & Details For Translations:
ISR: Institute for Scripture Research: The Scriptures
HRB: Hebrew Roots Bible
NKJV: New King James Version
KJV: King James Version
NIV: New International Version